On Shamanism, Being a Lightworker, and a drum journey on gratitude.

I did a powerful exercise recently and what I saw in looking at it, was that I score really high in the areas of life where I have the most gratitude. My work. My relationships. The areas that need some attention are the areas where I don’t express as much gratitude! So to me it seems that an easy way to these areas of life will be to send more gratitude toward them.

In this video, I talk about my recent with a shaman. We discovered each other and she has taken me under her wing and informed me that I am a Shaman…a title I can assure you I would NEVER assign myself. But, if a shaman is a person who is able to undergo an altered state of consciousness for the benefit of another, that’s exactly what I do with sound. “I” vanish and I allow my Naphsha to come into contact with your Naphsha and I become a channel for whatever sounds and it is that my client needs for the benefit of their healing journey.

I also talk about what’s coming in 2023 and what it really means to be a lightworker. This is not a title to take lightly and those of us who feel this calling, the time has come to get yourself more and more into alignment and integrity. We have a big job on this planet at this time.


The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You.


Every Human Has the Same Purpose: To Awaken.