Every Human Has the Same Purpose: To Awaken.

awakening journey, by Joya Sosnowski

Y’shua awoke, as The Buddha did, and did not teach to create a religion. He taught to awaken human beings to “The Truth that is true always.” He taught universal laws. They didn’t have the language or the knowledge that we do today about neuroscience or quantum physics and psychology. And yet, the original language of Y’shua - Aramaic, encompassed every single psychological concept. You see, humans cannot understand something they don’t have language for, and language changes perceptions. Think about language for a moment. There’s a word. And the word is made of sounds that are extended sounds as in vowels…say them aloud…ahhhh ooooh eeeeeh iiiiiih. Now try extending a consonant. Some you can like hhhhhh sssssss vvvvvv wwwww and some are hard. And somehow we put these sounds together to form words. And the words contain meanings. And this meaning gets transmitted mind to mind. The more pure and vast the language, the more that can be conveyed. Aramaic is a language that paints vast pictures in the mind. These vast pictures held in language change perceptions, and perceptions are the base filters of our individual and collective reality.

The movie Arrival illustrates the power of language so beautifully. The aliens come and a top linguist is trying to decipher their symbols into language, because their symbols are their words. And they came to deliver a language or concept of peace that the human mind couldn’t perceive before. This is the power of language.

The language of Y’shua was Aramaic and the message he was delivering is love. Love in the expansive sense. Kooba love and Rakhma love. Love for the Creator, love for all living things, love for the self as a holy and sacred effect of a great cause. Alaha is the word he used for God. It means a force that is benevolent, expansive and includes every living thing. Every human has the same purpose: To awaken to the energy of this Source.

This Source is love, and it is all of us but we are not all of it. Once we awaken to the truth of this vibration, we fall into a state of reverence, peace, joy, love. It changes us. The language of it has changed our perception of ourselves, and of the world. This is what awakening is. Discovering that Alaha is all of you…but you are not all of it. And this feeling brings such intense heart opening. And from there we can cultivate our individual meaning in life: our Growth. And growth is the unfoldment of the powers and possibilities that we are.

This is my mantra that I keep my mind occupied on:

God is all of me, but I am not all of God.
There is nothing my holiness cannot do.
Holy, I am.

May your life unfurl and unfold into the fullness of you today.

Love, Joya


On Shamanism, Being a Lightworker, and a drum journey on gratitude.

