Quantum Chanting: Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science.
Oh YouTube, with your amazing algorithm. A video popped up, which I've shared below. It features Rupert Sheldrake, the physicist known for creating the morphogenetic field theory, discussing chanting. You can bet I stopped multitasking and sat down to watch and pay attention. He began with an exercise, asking the audience to plug their ears so they could hear the sound inside their bodies. This is a powerful practice I also use with my clients. Typically, we don't really listen to the sounds within our bodies unless we're underwater or plugging our ears for some reason. But actively choosing to listen internally offers a profoundly different experience.
The morphogenetic field theory introduces the concept of an invisible, energetic network that interlinks all life, guiding the shape, behavior, and evolution of living organisms across the fabric of time and space. This theory suggests that our interconnectedness transcends mere spirituality, embedding itself within the scientific realm. The essence and knowledge of every living thing are perpetuated eternally within this Field.
The Power of Ancient Sounds
He then explained that he was going to have them chant the word "Ameyn" – and yes, that is the correct spelling in the original Aramaic. The word translates to "I said it, so I'll do it," embodying the act of sealing your word with a declaration of action and follow-through, affirming that your word carries weight. The Essenes and Yeshua were profoundly aware of the power of words to create worlds, a notion Rupert Sheldrake echoes. He postulates that engaging in the act of chanting an ancient sound, and thus toning, aligns you in resonance not only with all the individuals who have ever uttered that chant before you but also with those who will do so in the future. This timeless connection is facilitated by the Morphogenetic Field Theory, which posits that everything in existence vibrates at a unique frequency, a universal signature. Therefore, when we chant or tone a note, we are literally aligning ourselves with that frequency within the web of time and space, connecting across dimensions.
A Vision of Unity: The VIBE RAISER Event
It really floored me and brought me to tears because this was the vision that I saw a few years ago. Which is why I (WE) did the VIBE RAISER event - I saw this vision in my dream of people singing One Note and I could see the cymatics of that note leaving the mouth and going on to the field and creating ripples and ripples out into the field for as far as I could see and I knew that this was some kind of calling. And so I created that event which actually then turned into a conscious music and dance and chanting event and it was really amazing but it was only the beginning of what is to really come.
Overcoming Fear: The Journey to Empowerment
I knew going into that event how scared I was. Scared to invest all that money on an event, you know, all of the thoughts that go through your head when you're doing something big. But I did it anyway, and I discovered down the road as I planned, invested, and people said yes and started buying tickets, that this was my ultimate coaching experience. This is what creating a business feels like. Everything we say, everything we do, ripples out into eternity. Conscious women creating wealth is probably one of the most empowering and powerful things that we can do to change this world. Imagine women like me, women like you, down to earth yet very spiritual, raising your consciousness to a frequency so high that you are the transmitter into the field of wherever you are, and you bring people into resonance with love because love is the highest vibration. And… good people do good things with money.
The Daily Practice of Transformation
Back to the chanting. I never miss a day ever of chanting. Because I'm aware that I'm contacting ancient wisdom, wise beings, vibrations that aren't visible because I feel them, I experience them. My mind is tuned in to the field of abundance, which drops on me in the form of ideas non-stop. This is because of chanting. Because it's a vibrational practice that not only is contacting the field externally but from an inside perspective, it's cleaning you out. It vibrates up all the 'stuff' so you can sound it out and let it go. And then you've created space for more of the higher vibration within this field to float in you and through you, and this makes you an ordinary miracle maker.
Supporting Your Magnificence (which contributes to the Field!)
Love, Joya